Unregister (one to many) mutation dependencies.
.deleteMutatedBy(observable, [key], observableOrDependencyRecord)
Unregister a mutation dependency between an observable and optional key
, to one
or many observables.
Call this method with the exact same arguments passed to addMutatedBy to delete the mutation dependency, make sure to do this if the event handler that introduced the mutation dependency in the first place is unbound at some point.
The following example shows to to delete the mutation dependency when the event handler is unbound:
import canReflect from "can-reflect";
import SimpleObservable from "can-simple-observable";
import canReflectDeps from "can-reflect-dependencies";
const one = new SimpleObservable( "one" );
const two = new SimpleObservable( "two" );
const cb = function() {
two.set( /* new value */ );
canReflect.onValue( one, cb );
canReflect.addMutatedBy( two, one );
// ...
if ( shouldUnbound ) {
canReflect.offValue( one, cb );
canReflect.deleteMutatedBy( two, one );
Check the addMutatedBy documentation to learn the different ways mutation dependencies can be registered.
- observable
:The observable being set by other observable
- key
:The key on a map-like observable
- observableOrDependencyRecord
:The value-like observable or dependency record with the observable(s) that set the value of the first argument.